miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011


1919 ->Hitler joined German Workers’ Party
April 1921 -> Germany has to repair damages of the war
1921-> Renamed it Nazi Party
1921- Became leader of the Nazi Party
1922 -> Germany defaults on War Reparations
November 8 & 9 1923 -> Beer Hall Putsch
1923 -> Germany declares a general strike hyperinflation.
1923- He was imprisoned and while being in there he made the book “My Struggle”
 1927 -> Germany Stock market crash. Outflow of short-term capital. Discount rate increase.
1927- The nazi party started gaining seats in the Reichstag.
1929 -> Collapse of Frankfurter Allgemeine Verischerungs AG and runs on savings banks
1930 -> Young Plan (further rescheduling reparations payments but giving priority to the payment of debts to the United States) agreed.
1931 -> Banking crisis. Runs on banks. Bank holiday. Credit crunch. President Herbert Hoover announces a one year moratorium on reparations and war debts-and the provision of a $ 150 million credit to the Reichsbank.
1932 -> Nazi party gets 800,000 members/becomes largest party in Reichstag
March 23,1933 -> Enabling Act, gave Hitler power to ignore the constitution for four years
1933- Hitler came to power as the Councelor o Germany, he transmorm de Weimar Republic into the Third Reich also he made the single party dictatorship based on totalitarianism.
1st November, 1936: Hitler and Mussolini agree to have a military alliance. 


World War 2 was undoubtedly the most costly war in the history of mankind.   Fifty million people lost their lives.  Germany with their Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler,  was the country most responsible for starting the war.  After five years of war, Germany had paid the price for starting the conflict as they lay virtually destroyed.  They had won early battles but, in the end, World War II had been a disaster for Germany.  The war had been a fight to the finish and they came up short. 

World War 2 Causes
·         After Germany was defeated in World War I, they were forced via the Treaty of Versailles to pay heavy reparations to the victors.  Their economy could not take the pressure and it fell apart.  Severe inflation and depression followed.  As a result of the Treaty of Versailles (the official end of World War 1) and the economic disasters that followed, the German people became very resentful towards the victors of World War 1, namely France and Great Britain.  Additionally, virtually all of Germany's leaders fought in World War 1 and many were wounded and they all felt betrayed.  They were eager for rev

German Leaders
·         Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, Himmler, Speer (the good Nazi?), and other German Leaders Of World War 2 . were a group of ruthless but talented men who might have won it all except for a few strategic errors and the fact that they faced three of the most determined and capable leaders in history - Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin - who were in the war to win.
·         Adolf Hitler, a wounded veteran of the World War 1, blamed the economic problems on the allies who had forced the peace terms on Germany.   Hitler joined an obscure right wing political group - the Nazi party - and, with little competition, rose rapidly in it.  He was able to attract some extremely dedicated, capable, and ruthless followers.

Germany was the aggressor. It launched one unprovoked attack after another against all its neighbors except Switzerland and always brought with it one of the cruelest tyrannies in human history. Germany enslaved virtually all of Europe and attempted to exerminate whole populations. They murdered, simply murdered, six million Jews and at least five million Slaves. There were millions, probably tens of millions more deaths that were directly attributable to their rule, through starvation and other causes. In the end, Germany was completely defeated, their cities smashed, the country in ruins, dependent for its people's very survival on the charity of those it had tried to exterminate. They had also blamed everything on the Jews because Germany was in debt at the time. In the past war (World War 1) they lost and they had to pay for all the things they wrecked so they blamed the Jews and started World War 2 by putting the Jews in concentration and extermination camps and brutally murdering them by gassing them, or shooting them or by working them to death on grossly insufficient.  Without Germany there would have been no World War II in Western Front.  Germany had attacked Europe, USSR, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Moscow, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, France and many more. Germans were called Nazi's and USSR ,Russian's, were called the Red Army in WW2. Germany signed too a friendly treatment with USSR and both the countries promised that they would not attack on each other and would attack on Poland from east and west. But Germany did not kept the promise and attacked on USSR.


·         World War 2 | Germany in World War 2. Web. 15 Mar. 2011. <http://germanyinworldwar2.com/>.
·         "Nazi Germany - World War 2 on History." History - Shows, Schedules, and Resources. Web. 15 Mar. 2011. <http://www.history.co.uk/explore-history/ww2/nazi-germany.html>.
·         "World War II in Europe Timeline." The History Place. Web. 15 Mar. 2011. <http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/timeline/ww2time.htm>.
·         "Nazi Germany - World War 2 on History." History - Shows, Schedules, and Resources. Web. 15 Mar. 2011. <http://www.history.co.uk/explore-history/ww2/nazi-germany.html>.
Benz, Wolfgang. "Alemania 1815-1945". Colección Jornadas. México D.F. 2002.